Incontinence Products - Adult Diapers

Incontinence Products Guide - Need Help Finding the Best Incontinence Supplies

Disappointing Companies

There are many types: Fecal Incontinence, Urinary Incontinence: Stress Incontinence, Overflow Incontinence, Functional Incontinence, Mixed Incontinence, Bed-wetting etc.

Disappointing Companies

Postby Cbabab » Sat Jul 20, 2013 7:33 am

Just a quick message. I know we all have to deal with our own issues. But as we rely on different products to help maintain our dignity. When a product fails to meet up to the quality and statements made by a incontinence product I want to make sure that others know so they too are not out nearly $90.00. I have had the recent misfortune of buying briefs from a company called Wellness Briefs. The product I received has hundreds of small holes in the plastic cover. And when the product is worn your outer clothing is going to get wet the first time the product comes in contact with moisture. I have contacted the company and received a genuine sorry. Along with an apology, they said they would replace the product. I waited and nothing ever came. I purchased the product from them back on June 27th. I emailed them again and then several days went by and now they say we are sending you a return label. Still nothing has arrived. Now approaching a month, I have no product replacement. Nor do I have a return label. Please watch out, maybe my instance is a rarity. But wanted to make sure the community knew about how the company stands behind their products.

Craig Brown
Posts: 1
Joined: Sat Jul 20, 2013 7:13 am

Attends Diapers

Abena Diapers

Tranquility ATN Diapers

Abena Abri-Form X-Plus

Tena Serenity

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