by dreamin1037 » Thu May 10, 2012 4:29 pm
Yes I agree. Hopefully one day it will not be an issue. It would really be nice to start seeing more bathrooms in public where you can change your diaper without having others around. There have been times where I have had to change in a public bathroom and I could hear people talk about it. It don't bother me as much anymore. I found out the hard way, that the key is also finding the right product for you. I had a really embarassing incident not too long ago. I went to a friends graduation from college and during the graduation I had the bowel incotinence hit. Not only did I smell really bad, to the point that the people right behind me got up and left, but when I got to go change, I also leaked all over. So it was visible along with the smell. That is the most embarassing occasion that I have had. I ended up having to change in the back of my SUV in a parking garage. The key is to go prepared and find the right diaper. Hope you all have a great day.