by Alyssa » Mon Apr 09, 2012 12:17 pm
I have two children and they are both in elementary school. No, they do not know about my stress incontinence. They have already heard so many horror stories about my preganancies I didn't want to add more to their plate. And they both are such curious children they would want to know why and how I got stress incontinence and of course it was due to pregnancy. I wouldn't want my kids feeling guilty for something that really had nothing to do with them.
I could probably try other pads, but I often personally find them to be so uncomfortable and they often will rub me raw in certain areas if I was to be that active. We often play volleyball and soccer while jumping so we are diving and jumping at weird angles and coming down so hard on the trampolines. I guess it really comes to down to that it hasn't bothered me enough to find a solution to it yet, I am sure there is a product that would work.