Hi, My name is Camrin, I am 29 years old. I recently started using briefs to void in. Sometimes, I have problems with leaking when I sneeze, cough or laugh. Most times I put them on in the bathroom at gas station because I have a drive home and their is no bathroom, so I choose to wet myself. On Thursday I wet all the way through my brief. I just talked to myself and told myself it was okay to pee because I was brief. Tonight, I stopped and bought tapped briefs. I have been wet for a little bit but I am not saturated yet. I can't pee at night but I don't like getting up to use the RR at night cause I sleep so soundly. I want to be able to void when I am laying down in bed with a taped brief on. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to void while laying down and how to relax to be able to go.
Does anyone have trouble going when you are very rushed? Has anyone tried catheters when you really don't need one. Did you get more urine out when you cathing versus using the toliet. Sometimes, I find that my urine is clearer when I do that (I use my boyfriends un-used cathethers.
Need advice, so hit me up.