Incontinence Products - Adult Diapers

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new to incontinence

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new to incontinence

Postby VMAN » Tue Sep 24, 2013 11:15 am

I had a radical prostectomy five months ago and have been incontinent ever since. They say that kigal exercise helps but mine has gotten worse over the last two months. I am dry over night and start wetting when exercising or playing golf, walking etc. If I sit down and relax I leak very little or not at all. I am trying physical therapy but I believe that is not going to work. I get no sensation of urinating when I leak. I also use pads, and go through usually five daily. Has anyone had the same symtoms and does anyone have any suggestions to help. I realize this incontinence is not the worst but it effects everyone differently.
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Sep 24, 2013 10:44 am

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Tranquility ATN Diapers

Abena Abri-Form X-Plus

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