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Negative employers

Sun Aug 19, 2012 11:04 pm
by gened
Returning to the work force is a difficult choice for those who are suffering from heavy, to total loss of bladder control. Iv been told that you should always be up front with your employers when it comes to any medical, or health issues. But what about before your hired? I remember filling out a job application for a laundry worker and I had been very up-front about my incontinence problem. It was right then that she started in telling me that no one can manage incontinence by wearing diapers, it just isn't practicle! I didn"t say anything because i had never came across anyone like her before
Re: Negative employers

Mon Aug 20, 2012 10:20 am
by RichardJ
Hi gened:
I agree with you. I never even mentioned to my employers about my leaking problems.
I just made sure I had extra pads in my briefcase or shoulder bag.
As a child I was made fun of. And having worked in a personnel office I know that "confidential"
information doesn't always stay that way. Some adults can be as cruel as children too.
I commend you for your honesty. Takes more courage than I had.
Keep in mind from this website that you are not alone.
Good Luck.
Re: Negative employers

Tue Aug 21, 2012 6:55 am
by Alyssa
Gened, you are definitely not alone. Sorry you had a negative experience with sharing your incontinence with a future employer. I would dismiss it as a small minded person. Good Luck!!!

Re: Negative employers

Sat Sep 22, 2012 10:28 am
by dreamin1037
Yes it is sad. I just had an experience yesterday that wasn't so good. Sad thing is, is that this was at a hospital of all places. I have severe back problems and the doc sent me in for x-rays. When I changed I was told that I couldn't wear underwear. When the tech. came to get me, I explained to her that I suffered from incont. She started naming off things like pads, underwear type. I finally had to tell her that no, I had to wear a diaper due to the severity. She then says oh, let me see where she jerks my shirt up, grabs the top of the diaper and examines it. She then asks, where everyone can hear. Is your diaper wet or dry? They were not very discreet about it, acted like they have never heard of an adult wearing a diaper. The other lady that was being trained was so imbarresed by it, that when they had me on the table. She came up, put a blanket over me and says, here this will cover up your pad thing. I was in total shock at how unprofessional they treated this at the hospital. I did file a complaint before I left. It just goes to show that they need to educate people better on the subject.
Re: Negative employers

Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:53 am
by Alyssa
I am shocked! Glad you followed it up with a complaint. How could you work in the medical profession and not be aware of this condition??? And even if you have never, ever seen a condition before it's called treating people with Dignity. Sounds like they all could use some severe sensitivity training as well as some good old fashioned medical updates. With all of the Military Injuries and the Baby Boomers aging this condition is on the rise and unfortunately will probably continue to rise for some time.
Re: Negative employers

Fri Sep 28, 2012 7:20 pm
by RichardJ
To Dreamin1037. Your encounter at the doctors makes me so mad. I would have complained also.I had my gall bladder removed and a colonoscopy a few years later. Each time I informed the nurses I had to leave my disposable underwear on because of my incontinence. They were so nice and professional even though I was embarrassed. I would have been incensed if they treated me like that. The medical profession doesn't need idiots like that.
I am sorry this happened to you.