Incontinence Products - Adult Diapers

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Incontinence Protection for Extended Periods of Time

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Incontinence Protection for Extended Periods of Time

Postby Alyssa » Tue May 17, 2011 2:26 pm

Which product do you find is the best to use for overnight use or for extended periods of time when changing is not an option?
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Joined: Thu May 12, 2011 2:00 pm
Tagsextended incontinence protection, incontinence protection for long durations, overnight incontinence protection

Incontinence Protection for Extended Periods of Time

Postby Dignity » Fri Sep 28, 2012 1:10 pm

Tranquility and Abena both make superior products designed for ultimate absorbency effectiveness, comfort and skin protection. Both Incontinence Product Lines provide premium home health care grade incontinence products for youths and adults with product lines that include protective products for situations that range from light urinary leakage to the heaviest urinary and fecal incontinence.

To shop for Tranquility Incontinence Products: ... ducts.html

To shop for Abena Incontinence Products: ... ducts.html

Order 1-99 cases all for only one shipping cost of $7.95. Orders ship same day if ordered by 3pm CST Monday through Friday. Order usually arrive within 2-3 business days.
Posts: 18
Joined: Tue Sep 25, 2012 1:31 pm
TagsIncontinence Protection for Overnight, Tranquility ATN, Abena, Best Incontinence Protection, Incontinence Protection for extended use, Incontinence, Tranquility Adult Diapers, Abena Adult Diapers

Re: Incontinence Protection for Extended Periods of Time

Postby gened » Sun Mar 10, 2013 4:05 am

Being without bladder control for the past 25 years has been difficult. Learning to cope with my problem was a real challenge at age 27 . I looked everywhere for help, but there wasn't much info out there like their is today. I had been out of the hospital about 6 months when I found an add in the back of the Enquirer for adult diapers. So I sent away for the catalog! It was a company called JK Perfect Personal Products. I had the same problem as many incontinent adults, (What can I wear for school, or work)? I was wearing Attends disposable diapers at the time and they were the best on the market then. Sears sold adult diapers, but the disposables didn't hold out long enough for extended use. I wore an attends to a Sunday movie one weekend and they leaked around leg bands half way through the movie!! I called JK products and spoke to him about my needs and I ended up buying 6 cloth diapers with insert booster pads, and some plastic pants. After getting the package of diapers I wore them around the house and found them to be quite comfortable, and they held out for hours before they needed to be changed! I began thinking about returning to work full-time dispite being incontinent. Since then Iv always choosen the "heavy cloth" diapers, and waterproof plastic panties
for "EXTENDED WEAR"!! Of course they are a little bulky, and I ended up purchasing around 2 Doz more, but they made it possible for me to work again. I used disposable diapers at home where regular changing was possible but for overnight, and other outings I wore the cloth diapers. Now days Iv switched to the new disposables like the "Dry 24/7" diapers, with a booster insert pad. I work in a nursing home as a CNA, and Iv seen many brands of adult diapers come and go, but Im confident in saying that these Dry 24/7 diapers are here to stay! I wear them right through my 8hr shift without any worry of leakage. If your in need of an adult diaper to wear for school, or work, these are the best. I have been wearing them with a booster insert, but you dont need it for a 8hr shift. I ride the city bus system, and it adds another hour or so of wetting so its just for the "What If's". I hope this will help someone!!
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Joined: Sun Aug 19, 2012 7:13 pm

Re: Incontinence Protection for Extended Periods of Time

Postby sallison221987 » Tue Apr 09, 2013 8:12 am

the one that I have tried and works best for me for a long period of time is dry 24/7. They are expensive and all but are worth it.
Posts: 21
Joined: Tue Apr 09, 2013 8:03 am
Location: ny

Attends Diapers

Abena Diapers

Tranquility ATN Diapers

Abena Abri-Form X-Plus

Tena Serenity

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