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I'am leaving

Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:50 am
by David
Hi I can't believe that since the begining of the year nobody has posted a reply or added a new post so tomorrow I will leave the forum and delete my posts.
Re: I'am leaving

Mon Jan 16, 2012 12:14 pm
by Alyssa
We are so sorry to hear that no one has responded to your posts David. As one of the Moderators on this Forum it is discouraging for us as well. With over 100 members we too would like to see more posts and responses. I do hope that you will reconsider leaving this forum. Likewise, I hope you will reconsider deleting all of your posts. Depsite the lack of responses, your posts are receiving visitors and other people may find the information about your trip to the doctor reassuring and informative. Regardless of your decision with respect to this forum we wish you well as you navigate through your current health issues and hope that you find the answers you are looking for.
Re: I'am leaving

Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:49 pm
by David
Ok I will stay and hopefully something good will come of it and I suppose your right some people are Reading the posts fingers crossed the numbers will increase and the forum will improve thanks for the response and I hope you are keeping well too.
Re: I'am leaving

Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:50 pm
by Alyssa
Thank you for your decision to remain a member of this forum. We will continue to try to draw in more members as well as increase the activity in this forum. We welcome any ideas that could help improve the overall quality of this forum.
Re: I'am leaving

Tue Jan 17, 2012 1:52 am
by David
Thanks Alyssa may I ask do you suffer from incontinence yourself and if so what type do you have I would love to hear your story,please pardon me in advance if that's been too forward but I have never spoken to anyone about this before and it's much easier to do so like this.
Re: I'am leaving

Tue Jan 17, 2012 2:56 pm
by Alyssa
Absolutely, David.
Within days of delivering my second child, I found out that I was suffering from stress incontinence. No doubt due to the 9lbs. of each of my children bearing down on my bladder children are very close together in age. While stress incontinence is definitely the least severe form of incontinence, it neverthless was devastating to me as an avid athlete. For me, incontinence was just another blow after surviving two life threatning pregnancies that came with the full gamut of complications and difficulties both during and post-pregnancy. After going through so many procedures and experiences that were exhausting both spiritually and physically, I have to say that I have learned to be much more compassionate and thoughtful.
I am happy to say after 5 years of really, really hard work I have recovered from most of the complications of pregnancy including reducing my stress incontinence to almost non-existent. I still worry about it quite a bit, but that's next on my list of things to work on.
Re: I'am leaving

Tue Jan 17, 2012 4:14 pm
by David
Thanks Alyssa for sharing that with me it's good to talk and hear someone elses story iam glad you got on top of you stress incontinence which I think is what I have too I hope to get the result of the scan tomorrow thankfully the blood tests for the prostate came back and all is ok there it's not the worst thing that could happen i suppose and can be treated you have lifted my spirits thanks again.
Re: I'am leaving

Wed Jan 18, 2012 11:28 am
by Alyssa
I am glad my story lifted your spirits.