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Re: How did you become Incontinent?

PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2012 1:57 pm
by Alyssa
dreamin1037, I can't imagine what that must of been like. It is a miracle your survived...clearly you have things that you are still meant to do here. :D

Re: How did you become Incontinent?

PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2012 6:59 pm
by dreamin1037
Yes, that is the way I look at it also. That was scared to death. I seen my life flash before me and knew that it was over. I keep reminding myself of that everyday, that I have things to do still. I have a daughter who needs her father. I still have my days when I have a hard time. It has helped me alot to now that I am no longer hiding because I have incontinence and have to wear diapers 24/7. There for along time I wouldn't let my family and friends close to me in fear of them finding out. I would try to hide it when people were around. To those that are having a hard time coping with it, don't push the people that are close to you and love you, away. Let them help you get through it. Also know that you are not alone out there. If anyone ever needs anyone to talk to, please feel free to email me. I am not saying that I am over it all the way, but I have learned to accept it. If i can help in any way, I would be more then glad to help. I hope you all have a great and wonderful day. :P

Re: How did you become Incontinent?

PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2012 10:15 am
by Alyssa
Your right, your daughter does need you.

I understand your life flashing right before you though. When I was three months pregnant with my first child, I had a blood infection due to tons of complications with a central line. The blood infection wasn't diagnosed properly and apparently I had it for over 3 days, the hospital kept telling me it was just low potassium and the flu. Right before I had a siezure in the hospital due to a very high fever, I said my goodbye's to my husband of 4 months. I could feel my body shutting down. It's not like any other feeling in the world. When I was having the seizure everything flashed before me and for a few seconds everything was calm. Then I just kept telling myself I wanted to live, wanted to live. I made a deal in that moment that if I ever had the chance to see the light of day and if my unborn baby survived, I would celebrate every lovely day. Those kind of moments definitely put things in perspective. I kiss my boys several times a day and say a quick prayer, they both came so close to never being here.

You are so brave and an inspiration to everyone on here. It's great that you have let your family help you. I wasn't so brave. Many people offered to take care of me when I was so sick with both pregnancies but I always turned them away. I would get so violently sick and throw up that I would urinate wherever I was, which usually wasn't the bathroom. No one but my husband and my parents really know how sick I was and what we all had to go through. Such a shame, we could of had so much more help.

Re: How did you become Incontinent?

PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2012 4:20 pm
by dreamin1037
Yes it does. It sounds like you have had some rough times as well. They can always make you stronger. It wasn't till recently that I finally let my family and friends close and help me. You haev a great outlook on life. It is amazing how things like that can make you realize just what you have, and to enjoy every minute of it that you can. Things in life are not more then we can handle, if viewed properly. It can make us all stronger. Keep your head up and remember to smile. :D

Re: How did you become Incontinent?

PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2012 9:54 am
by Alyssa
Thank you, smiling is great medicine.

I agree, we never get more than we can handle...even if it seems like it at the time. I know I can look back at some things now and see they were blessings in disguise. And when we take stock of our life, we often have so many more blessings than we oringally gave ourselves credit for.

Two healthy children, that's a lot to be thankful for. And your amazing blessing. I guess it's part of the human condition, it sometime takes tragic things to happen before we realize what an amazing life we really have. And the question is not whether someone has problems or not, because we all do, the question is whether you will allow those problems to get in your way.

Have a wonderful day! :D

Re: How did you become Incontinent?

PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2012 3:54 pm
by dreamin1037
You are right. Sometimes it takes a tradegy or something serious to happen for us to really realize what we have in life and how thankfull we should be for what we have. Even the things in life that have seemed bad, like the car wreck is a blessing in disguise. I have learned alot from these things and feel that I have also grown stronger as a person. It also goes to show just how supportive your family can be, when things like that happen. Alyssa, it seems that you also have a very good outlook on life. Yes, I also think that smiling is the best medicene. I hope you have a great day, and always remember to smile or laugh. They say laughter is also the best medicene. :lol: :D

Re: How did you become Incontinent?

PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 11:05 am
by Alyssa
You said it, laughing is wonderful! :lol:

Re: How did you become Incontinent?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 6:14 pm
by bebis
About 10 years ago I donate a kidney. After the operation I was okej byt I was more tired than normaly.
After about 6 month I woked up in the morning and my bed was wet. I found out that I pee in my bed for the first time in 25 years. I thought I was sic but when I had pee in my bed for the 5:th time in a week I know that something was wrong. I contacted a doctor but he couldn't find that anything was wrong with me. I've got some diapers with me home. After some visits to the doctor he said to med that I'm incontinent.

Today I'm not only pee in the bed at night, I'm also could pee in my pants in the middle of the day. I don't feel when I have to go to the bathroom before my pants are wet. Now I wear diaper 24/7 and I have to have thick diapers because I don't know when I can change my diapers.

In the beginning I hade problems to do things like traveling or swimming. To day it's no problem and I have accept my problem and are comfortable with it. If someone ask me I can say that I'm incontinent and I'm not embarrassed to say that.

Re: How did you become Incontinent?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 5:55 pm
by Alyssa
Bebis, I am so sorry to hear your story. However, I wanted to tell you what an amazing person you are that you shared a Kidney. I mean wow!!!! And sounds like you have a fantastic attitude. :D

Re: How did you become Incontinent?

PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 4:50 pm
by sallison221987
I am not really sure how I became incontinent I have been told that I have a small bladder that gives out to much pressure and have a small urethra and no one really knows why