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Choosing a different career or education due to incontinence

Tue May 17, 2011 2:15 pm
by Alyssa
If incontinence has caused you to switch your major or career please share your story here:
Re: Choosing a different career or education due to incontin

Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:10 am
by cnagene
About a year ago I took a part time job as a caregiver for an wheelchair bound lady who has MS. I was at that time, still hoping that my bladder control would return, and I would not have to wear diapers anymore. My incontinence problem wasnt getting any worse. But it wasnt getting any better either. I worked from 6am in the morn until a lady came in at 12 noon. By then I wanted to go because my diapers were urine soaked! I didnt sit dowm at all for fear they would leak. I had always worn Depends, but I never wear them this long without changing them. I didnt want "linda" to know about my incontinence problem so I just waited until the next caregiver showed up. At that point I could go into the bathroom and change my wet diapers for fresh and be on my way.. When the phone rang that day I kinda new that it was the caregiver and it was, she was in an accident and she wasnt going to make it today. I had to tell linda about it and about the diapers too. I was surprised the she said its cool.
Re: Choosing a different career or education due to incontin

Mon Mar 26, 2012 8:04 pm
by RichardJ
I retired a few years earlier than I had planned. The stress of keeping my incontinence under wraps was always my first thought. My blood pressure medicine is a diuretic also and makes me pee more. I would always try to drink as little as possible while in work. Though at work I used a penile clamp with a pad as backup. But I still had to release the clamp every few hours. So I had to sit to pee, always thinking someone was going to notice or suspect something.
Over the years I have been in situations where I wore a pad or disposable too long.
I have also spilled liquids on myself on purpose to get out of pee pants situations.
As I found out with my wife that incontinence wasn't a big deal to her, you found out that the person you were caring for
didn't see that as a big deal.
Bless your heart.
Re: Choosing a different career or education due to incontin

Wed May 30, 2012 12:42 pm
by dreamin1037
Well I went for a job interview yesterday and everything went really good until I left. When I stood up I felt a wet spot on the back of my pant leg. I am sure that they seen it. I was wearing tan pants isntead of my black ones. I usually wear out in public. I havn't had problems with leaking with the brand of diapers I have been using, I also use an insert with them. Now it looks like I didn't get the job. Its times like this that makes it really hard to deal with. I keep telling myself that things happen for a reason and it must not have been meant to happen. It still makes it hard. Well I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend.

Re: Choosing a different career or education due to incontin

Wed May 30, 2012 2:32 pm
by Alyssa
I am so sorry to hear that you didn't get the job you interviewed for. I subscribe to the belief that everything happens for a reason. Maybe that would of been the worst job you ever had with a horrible boss. I wish you the best of luck on your next interview.

Re: Choosing a different career or education due to incontin

Thu May 31, 2012 4:21 pm
by RichardJ
Don't give up. Keep trying. I try to be extra careful when wearing tan-gray-khaki pants. I'll put a thinner pair
of plastic pants over the disposable/diaper.
I wore black pants most of my life.
Interviews can be extra stressful. Stress can lead to extra leaking.
Just a suggestion. Keep with the black pants until your comfort zone/stress level is more manageable to your liking.
Keep positive thoughts. Don't let incontinence take over.
When you get bummed out just come to this site and vent.
You will feel better knowing you are not alone.
I think we have all gone through the thought that "Why Me" "I'm the only one this happens to"
Stay strong.
Re: Choosing a different career or education due to incontin

Thu May 31, 2012 5:32 pm
by dreamin1037
Thank you Richard. I am past letting incont. control my life. It was just one of those things. I have wore black pants most of the time also. I have never tried the plastic pants. I might have to do that. It has been a year since I have had a leak while out and about. Thank you all for the support. It is always good to know that you are not alone.