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Re: T.V Adverts

Mon May 28, 2012 12:39 am
by Alyssa
I just saw another one of the new Depends ad's with 3 sports athletes. While it was good seeing athletes sporting incontinence products I didn't like the overall feel of the commercial. Has anyone else seen the new commercial?
Re: T.V Adverts

Mon May 28, 2012 10:26 am
by RichardJ
I totally agree Alyssa. The commercial had me wondering why the people were promoting it.
I felt uneasy watching it.
I had a better feeling about the commercial for the drug Vesicare.
It shows a mechanical person with "plumbing problems"
The Depend ads years ago had at least one celebrity-I forget her name- who spoke of accidents and aging
regarding bladder care.
But as we all agree it's a start. As populations age there are huge markets out there for bladder control products.
But I guess there is that distinction between "bladder control" and incontinence.
Re: T.V Adverts

Tue May 29, 2012 12:15 pm
by Alyssa
Yeah, I didn't really get the whole point of the ad. I guess it was to demonstrate that with their new diapers you can't even tell if someone is wearing them. However, it seemed to perputuate the stigma attached to wearing diapers with the athletes negative comments. They were only willing to try on the diapers for charity. Not exactly an overhwhelming endorsement of incontinence as a whole...a little surprising from an incontinence manufacturer.
Re: T.V Adverts

Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:14 am
by RichardJ
Has anyone seen the ad for Tena pad?
They call it the Tena twist.
They show a pad and the person pours water in it. It's then twisted to show no leakage.
I haven't come across a pad yet that won't leak when twisted.
It's also on the internet. So I watched it a few times.
After they pour the water in the pad the camera doesn't stay there.
It goes to another shot briefly, then back for the twist.
My opinion is that a dry pad is exchanged for the previously wet one to show no leaks.
If in fact there is no leakage after the twist the pad must be pretty thick.
Just my observation.
Re: T.V Adverts

Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:43 am
by Alyssa
Yes Richard, I have seen that ad. If true it would be pretty impressive. And as you stated it is probably fairly thick.
Re: T.V Adverts

Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:01 am
by RichardJ
Not just TV ads. I've just started seeing pad manufacturers on e-bay doing the same thing I see for products
in the supermarket. A different colored package on pads. It says new and improved. Thinner pads but with the
same absorbency as before. Yeah right. Then as I look closer I see that the instead of 20 or 40 pads, there are 18
or 35. On top of that the price has gone up a few dollars. Here in the U.S. as the growing older population uses more
pads and pull-ups the greedy manufacturers are looking to take advantage.
I realize companies are in business to make a profit but price gouging in the U.S. has been the rule rather than the exception.
A good number of our consumer agencies are a joke.
I apologize for bringing politics into this.
I just had to vent.
Re: T.V Adverts

Mon Jul 09, 2012 8:05 am
by Alyssa
This is the place to vent. ; )
I agree, most consumer agencies are useless. I feel like whatever corporations or interest groups that have the deepest pockets, right connections and lobbyists will ultimately prevail. It's a shame but money is king. The incontinence community really, really needs to have an organized and visible voice.
Re: T.V Adverts

Thu Jul 19, 2012 12:03 am
by dreamin1037
You hit the nail on the head with that one. Its that way with everything anymore. He who has the deepest pockets wins. That is so wrong in so many ways. People are more worried about money then they are about important things in life, and health. I agree totaly we need someone who can be heard and who people will take what is said to heart.
Re: T.V Adverts

Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:31 am
by Alyssa
Taking to heart is the problem. Seems like most people are too busy to pay attention to anything unless they think it will adversly affect them in the very short term.
Re: T.V Adverts

Tue Aug 14, 2012 11:50 am
by Alyssa
I saw the Depends ad again this morning. Really haven't seen the ad too much on t.v. I thought this was going to be a big campaign?