by Alyssa » Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:40 pm
Well the good news about this advertising by Depends is that they are using professional male athletes. Depends as one of the leading manufacturers of incontinence products is hopefully leading the way where other's will have to follow. Trust me, if this ad campaign is successful then other manufcaturers will definitely follow their lead. I know it got my attention and hopefully a lot of others.
And not only do we need advertising, but we need advertising that puts a new face on incontinence. Incontinence affects young and old, healthy as well as sick, male and female, active and inactive alike, you can be born with incontinence or develop it later in life, it can temporary or permanent, it can be anything from light stress incontinence to double incontinence.
I would also like to see urologists advertising and obgyn's advertising and openinig up the dialogue encouraging more people to seek medical advice to determine if there are any surgeries or medications that may help. Since this is such a widespread problem doctors should also be asking questions about incontinence during annual physicals and check ups. I have never seen any flyers about incontinence in any obgyn's office which is absolutely ridiculous considering how many women are suffering from this.