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Re: T.V Adverts

Thu Apr 05, 2012 4:40 pm
by David
That's excellent news and a giant step in the right direction it might inspire other manufacturers to come on board and move it on further it's brilliant that celebrities can help out and let's be honest they may even be suffering in silence them selves well done to Depends and all involved.
Re: T.V Adverts

Mon Apr 09, 2012 1:26 pm
by Alyssa
Yes, the more mainstream this advertising becomes the easier it will be for people to discuss it openly. Definitely a step in the right direction.
Re: T.V Adverts

Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:20 pm
by David
I agree but other than the new great American try on,incontinence advertisments have centered around women,don't get me wrong I know childbirth causes a lot of problems for women but talking about male incontinence is still in the dark ages and is looked upon as a dirty subject so there is still a lot to do.
Re: T.V Adverts

Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:40 pm
by Alyssa
Well the good news about this advertising by Depends is that they are using professional male athletes. Depends as one of the leading manufacturers of incontinence products is hopefully leading the way where other's will have to follow. Trust me, if this ad campaign is successful then other manufcaturers will definitely follow their lead. I know it got my attention and hopefully a lot of others.
And not only do we need advertising, but we need advertising that puts a new face on incontinence. Incontinence affects young and old, healthy as well as sick, male and female, active and inactive alike, you can be born with incontinence or develop it later in life, it can temporary or permanent, it can be anything from light stress incontinence to double incontinence.
I would also like to see urologists advertising and obgyn's advertising and openinig up the dialogue encouraging more people to seek medical advice to determine if there are any surgeries or medications that may help. Since this is such a widespread problem doctors should also be asking questions about incontinence during annual physicals and check ups. I have never seen any flyers about incontinence in any obgyn's office which is absolutely ridiculous considering how many women are suffering from this.
Re: T.V Adverts

Wed Apr 11, 2012 2:18 pm
by RichardJ
When I have my annual physical my doctor and I discuss my incontinence.
There are surgeries out there but the nerve damage I had can't be reversed.
I did research artificial sphincter surgery but it would only help to a small degree.
I would still need pads and disposables.
So it really wasn't worth the time and money.
Re: T.V Adverts

Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:39 pm
by Alyssa
Hey All, I just saw the new Depends advertisment on T.V. I forget which channel. Lisa Rinna was on the red carpet with her husband and she was supposed to be wearing a Depends product under her red carpet dress. Pretty cool, I can't wait to see the ad with the male athletes. This is the first ad I have ever seen like this before. If I see it again I will pay attention to what channel the ads are playing on.
Re: T.V Adverts

Mon Apr 16, 2012 9:27 pm
by RichardJ
I saw that ad also. I was pleasantly surprised.
We need more like that to get mainstream society acceptance.
It's a good start.
Re: T.V Adverts

Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:09 am
by David
Hi there Alyssa - both adverts can be viewed at anytime on you tube if you search for great American try on or even - new depends advert and Richard is right it's a great start.
Re: T.V Adverts

Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:43 pm
by Alyssa
Okay, thanks for the info about you tube David.
And everything has to start somewhere, at least we are moving in the right direction.

Re: T.V Adverts

Wed May 16, 2012 9:24 am
by RichardJ
We all agree that the TV advertising helps getting incontinence more into the open.
I try as many products as I can. Mostly on e-bay. Products tend to be cheaper at times.
I tried the new Depends for men. It is the most comfortable fitting incontinent underwear I have ever had on,
but: Even if a product says super absorbent it isn't always true. The new Depends like a lot of the products
out there are made for dribbles and not leaks. My new Depends was good for about 2 hours before I
had to change. I don't leak constantly but enough to need a more absorbent pull on.
The positive: I used one that I put a pad in every 2 hours with good success.
But I can do the same with regular underwear without the extra cost.
But I commend Depends for their forward thinking.
How about a Depends with more absorbency and maybe a plastic outer layer.