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Plastic pants

Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:04 pm
by David
Hi I find that using plastic pants not only give you that extra security against leaks but help a lot with keeping odours at bay does anyone else agree or has anyone any other tips on odour control.
Re: Plastic pants

Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:58 pm
by RichardJ
I always rub powder in my plastic pants before putting them on.
Also while getting dressed I use baby lotion on my inner thighs and crotch area.
Re: Plastic pants

Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:27 am
by AdrianP
I agree that plastic or rubber pants give extra protection. I always wear plastic pants at night when my condition is worse.
Re: Plastic pants

Tue Jun 12, 2012 3:25 pm
by David
Hello there Adrian,what type of incontinence do you suffer from and how is it affecting your life what do you use during the day are you suffering in scilence or do members of your family know about it.
Re: Plastic pants

Tue Jun 12, 2012 4:39 pm
by dreamin1037
I havn't tried plastic pants as added protection. I was always afraid that it would be too bulky. At night that would be a great idea. As far as odor control. I use baby powder inside my diaper. I have roommates who are aware of my condition, and they say the about the only time the can really smell anything is when I change. There is an odor around my room, but usually doesn't last long as long as I take the dirty diaper out. I will have to try plastic pants. I was also looking at trying cloth diapers. I have been unable to work due to a back injury, and that would help cut cost down, but at the same time I would also have to worry about what to do with the dirty cloth diapers until I washed them. If any of you have any suggestions, please let me know. I have been suffering from this for about 8 years now, I have grown used to wearing diapers, I just have to try to find a way to cut cost.
Re: Plastic pants

Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:36 pm
by RichardJ
Until cloth diapers can be washed, keep them in a pail/bucket of cold water.
Re: Plastic pants

Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:59 am
by AdrianP
Hi David. I suffer mainly from stress incontinence which means I may leak during the day when I cough or do anything physical. At night I have been a bed wetter for many years and rather than leak, I do sometimes flood. Therefore, at night I wear more protection than during the day. In the daytime I have tried many different pads and pull-ups. I currently wear Depends for Men without plastic pants whilst at night I wear Molicare Super Plus with plastic or rubber pants. Even with the pants, I have been known to leak so I also have a plastic undersheet on the bed. I do not suffer in silence. My wife knows all about my condition and, although they have said nothing, I suspect some friends and neighbours must be aware as they will all have seen my plastic pants on the washing line and perhaps my used pads in the waste bin.
Re: Plastic pants

Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:01 pm
by David
Hello there Adrian thanks for replying you certainly have it bad it's great that your wife is so supportive do you mind if I ask how old you are and how long you have incontinence mine is nothing compared to yours I did wet a bit at night but with some pelvic floor exercises and changed habits as to when what I drink and the urologist stretched my bladder I more or less get through the night dry but leak a little during the day pull up pants or a pad keeps me dry it does not bother me you kind of get used to it and just get on with things does it bother you much.
Re: Plastic pants

Sat Jun 16, 2012 7:05 am
by AdrianP
No it doesn't bother me any more either. I have been a bedwetter most of my life but my day time troubles began in 2006 when I had an operation for Peyronie's Disease which seems to have done more harm than good as several nerves were damaged in the process.
Plastic pants and hot weather

Sat Jun 30, 2012 3:06 pm
by RichardJ
Does anyone have solutions for plastic pants not sticking to you in the hot weather?
When I change my pad or disposable I have to roll the plastic pants down.
I do use powder when I put them on but hours later the powder has dissipated.
I do find though that I lose more weight in the hot weather because the plastic pants makes the body perspire more.