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Re: Depend pull up pants

Sun Mar 04, 2012 8:35 am
by David
Been in the US I guess you have a greater selection of products to choose from here it's the basic Tena or Depend range even the plastic pants have stitched sides and don't last too long sorry to hear that your incontinence can't be cured tell me more about the clamp is it any good and were you teased when you were younger and at school I suppose it became normal for you to be incontinent if it could not be cured but often you hear of children getting bullied at school even if they are not incontinent and simply had an accident and their life can be made a misery at school.
Re: Depend pull up pants

Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:22 pm
by RichardJ
A penile clamp attaches perpendicular to the penis. It closes off the urethra so urine cannot pass. If too tight it can cause irritation and if too loose leaking will still occur. It shouldn't be worn for more than 4-5 hours at a time. It shouldn't be used overnight. For a better description-Google "Baumrucker Incontinence Clamp".
As far as being bullied-Most of my friends knew I wet myself but they never brought it up.
When I did get teased in school by non friends, I beat them.
I got lucky. In middle school I attended a school that had a classroom for handicapped children.
My high school was completely for handicapped children.
Re: Depend pull up pants

Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:46 pm
by David
Are you telling me that in the US been incontinent classifies you as been handicapped ? I can't believe that
Re: Depend pull up pants

Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:03 pm
by RichardJ
Incontinence does not qualify as handicapped.
In my case I was granted admission to that particular school.
The incontinence was the result of a spinal tumor.
The tumor was removed but the nerve damage was permanent.
I was clinically diagnosed as having "Spina Bifida".
That got me into the school.
We're dealing with the 50's and 60's.
That probably wouldn't happen today.
Re: Depend pull up pants

Tue Mar 06, 2012 1:50 am
by David
Oh I see iam sorry I took you up wrong there gosh you have had a tough time I hope you have had some good luck in other areas of your life you deserve some.
Re: Depend pull up pants

Tue Mar 13, 2012 8:50 pm
by RichardJ
Hi David:
Did you have the cystoscopy yet?
If so how did it go?
Re: Depend pull up pants

Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:36 pm
by David
Not yet I will let you know how it goes iam due to have it early in April how is life treating you.
Re: Depend pull up pants

Fri Mar 16, 2012 2:36 pm
by RichardJ
Things are going well. I just go with the flow(no pun intended LOL).
I don't let my incontinence get me down. I'm easy going.
As long as I know where the nearest rest room is,I'm happy.
I go on the internet a lot always looking for a better pad or pull up or even any medical breakthroughs.
If I didn't have high blood pressure I wouldn't leak as much.
My blood pressure medicine is also a dieuretic which makes me leak more.
It's ironic that the dieuretic and incontinence have to clash.
But it is what it is.
Thanks for asking.
Re: Depend pull up pants

Sat Mar 17, 2012 11:33 am
by David
Hi Richard when we were children we were told that a good day is when you can swing your legs out of the bed put your feet on the floor and get up so I cant complain too much with some luck some day you will surf the net and someone will have found a cure for incontinence or even high blood pressure I was amazed to come across lots of web sites about people who actually get a kick out of wearing diapers,plastic pants and pads but everyone to their own once they are not harming anyone Iam ok with it did you ever use a catheter they look a bit awkward with the leg bag but it would help with odours I don't fancy using them.
Re: Depend pull up pants

Sat Mar 17, 2012 7:31 pm
by RichardJ
Never used a catheter. There are "condom catheters" that are attached to leg bags also.
Not my cup of tea.
I agree with your philosophy.
As long as I'm on the top side of the grass, I can't complain.