Discreet Pad Changing

Hi Everyone:
Years ago when I only leaked a little I devised a way to change pads discreetly.
I worked in an office and wore a suit and carried a briefcase.
Each morning before going to work I made sure I had 4-5 pads in baggies in my briefcase.
I also had a baggied pad in each inner pocket of my suitcoat.
When I knew I needed a pad change I would just head to the rest room and enter a stall.
I would take the fresh pad out of the baggie and put the wet one in the baggie.
After changing and leaving the stall I would immediately take a paper towel and wrap it around the used
pad and baggie and discard it in the receptacle.
Years ago when I only leaked a little I devised a way to change pads discreetly.
I worked in an office and wore a suit and carried a briefcase.
Each morning before going to work I made sure I had 4-5 pads in baggies in my briefcase.
I also had a baggied pad in each inner pocket of my suitcoat.
When I knew I needed a pad change I would just head to the rest room and enter a stall.
I would take the fresh pad out of the baggie and put the wet one in the baggie.
After changing and leaving the stall I would immediately take a paper towel and wrap it around the used
pad and baggie and discard it in the receptacle.