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What is the hardest obstacle you have had to overcome?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 10:23 am
by Alyssa
What is the hardest obstacle you have had to overcome while dealing with incontinence?

Re: What is the hardest obstacle you have had to overcome?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 4:03 am
by lancer
I have three hard obstacles. First a diaper leak in public, second soiling a diaper because it takes forever to clean and burns my skin, third waking up to a wet bed when my diaper could not last the night.

Re: What is the hardest obstacle you have had to overcome?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 11:38 am
by Alyssa
It was realizing that this is a medical condition and that it doesn't make me gross, dirty or anything else. Knowing my own intrinsic value and worth and that this condition could not alter that in any way. To forgive those people that make stupid remarks without thinking first regarding this and all medical conditions.

Re: What is the hardest obstacle you have had to overcome?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 10:42 am
by dreamin1037
The hardest obstacle I had to overcome is facing reality that there is nothing I can do about it and accept that I have to wear diapers. that because I wear diapers doesn't change who I am or make me a bad person. I have finally overcome this, now I make sure to keep a small bag in the car for when I am out and about. While soiling a diaper makes it difficult, depeding on what is going on and how long I will be out. I will try to find a place to change, but if I can't I will wait till I get home. For this reason I make sure that I use diaper rash creme often to prevent any irratation or rashes. I was always worried about others smelling it. Luckly I have a great roommate that was a CNA. I was talking to her about it one day, she had told me that usually the only time she can smell it is right after I change. WIth support from family and friends, it has made it alot easier to deal with.

Re: What is the hardest obstacle you have had to overcome?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:23 am
by nackawic
It took me until I was 35 years to finally feel comfortable telling the opposite sex about my condition.
The last woman I told ended up becoming my wife :D
As well, coming to terms with now being both bladder and bowel incontinent has been emasculating -- to say the least. I am thankful for finally meeting (and marrying) a woman who is understanding about my lack of control.

(Growing up in diapers wasn't so bad; but once I hit my 20's and started dating seriously, I was constantly teased and rejected (e.g. dumped) because of my incontinence. It really was hell).

Re: What is the hardest obstacle you have had to overcome?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 1:11 pm
by banshee89
What is the hardest obstacle you have had to overcome?

For me its fecal oder and diaper rash. I have learned to control both and rarely have a problem anymore.... but its a steep learning curve.

[url]What is the hardest obstacle you have had to overcome?[/url]

Re: What is the hardest obstacle you have had to overcome?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 11:49 pm
by gtg2468
I have severe urge inconinence. So for me the most difficult is finding a place to relive myself in time. Which is sometimes not in a rest room. And the other would be urine odor when I wear diapers at work

Re: What is the hardest obstacle you have had to overcome?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 11:24 am
by hairweevin
Hello all I received this invitation for a private 1 on 1 study to aide those who suffer with incontinence. I am participating to if for no other reason than it bings awareness to my needs as well pays me nicely for my time spent. I will post the link below and if you would like to participate you can email me at and I will forward you the email.