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Bladder Spasms

PostPosted: Thu May 03, 2012 7:56 am
by RichardJ
Does anyone ever have a bladder spasm like I do?
From time to time I'll have one,usually after drinking too much caffeine in a short period of time.
It starts as a very strong feeling to urinate which I don't normally have.
But when I get that feeling I have less than 10 seconds before my bladder empties.
Luckily it's always happened while I have been at home.
If that occurs and I only have a pad in my underwear instead of my pull ons the pad gets
saturated along with everything else and I have to change myself.

Re: Bladder Spasms

PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2012 5:27 pm
by Alyssa
I had what I think was some sort of bladder spasms. It was a very uncomfortable sensation that made me feel like I needed to go to the bathroom. I went a few years ago to have it checked out by a urologist. Other than a very small bladder he said everything was just fine. I personally attribute it to catheters. I had several while pregnant and was in pain each time after they were removed and ever since had this spasms. They seemed to have lessened but nontheless annyoing.