I started experiencing loss of bowel control sometime around June of 2012, and now have fecal incontinence episodes almost every day. I am fortunate, however, as my body has developed its own routine/schedule with respect to bowel movements; and if/when it happens, it's always occurs before noon (on the advice of my doctor, I have been keeping a log of all episodes & have seen that the pattern is clearly established).
While I do find it quite emasculating (more so than being bladder incontinent), I am thankful that 90% of the time it happens while I'm at home. As well, whenever I leave the house, I always have extra diapers and wipes on me anyway, so I am always well prepared for whatever may happen. I'm also grateful that my wife hasn't had to deal with it much. We have opposite schedules Mon-Fri (weekends we're on the same schedule), so she hasn't experienced any foul odours ...yet.
How I deal/cope with my fecal incontinence:
1. I recently (discovered and) started taking DEVROM tablets, in an effort to alleviate/eliminate odour that results from loss of stool. So far, the results are mixed (it seems more effective with gas than actual stool, but time will tell).
2. A good barrier cream helps, too. I use SudoCrem with excellent results (I've actually only had a diaper rash 3x in my entire life! So either I have strong skin, exceptional hygiene...or perhaps both?). Combined with talcum powder before/after every change, I always have a strong barrier between bum and scum.
3. I Change immediately, or as soon as possible! Being in a wet diaper for (x) hours is one thing, but being in a soiled diaper longer than is necessary to reach a place to change is not good at all!
(has anyone noticed the amount of trolls on this forum? Wow
