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Re: Double Incontinence

PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 10:34 am
by dreamin1037
Lancer, I hear you on loosing faith in the doctors. No one can tell me anything. The other day I went in to see the doctor for my back. He started to lift my shirt to look at my back. As soon as he realized I was wearing a diaper he backed off and moved on. It was like he didn't even want to know about it or talk about it or deal with it.

Re: Double Incontinence

PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:46 am
by Alyssa
Like all things, there are good and bad doctors and it's very hard to distinguish often until there's a misdiagnosis or some negligence of some type which in my case came within a hair of killing me and my unborn child...not to mention all of the joyful complications caused by the very late proper diagnosis.

And even good doctors only specialize in certain areas and sometimes are reluctant to refer you elsewhere when they don't know what is going on. I wish they would train doctors that if they aren't 100% sure of a diagnosis then to refer you on to a specialist or even another specialist instead of just guessing and hoping they are right. I would rather have a doctor say they have no clue so I can at least keep trying with other doctors then have them guess. Guessing scares me to death!!!

Re: Double Incontinence

PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 6:26 am
by dreamin1037
I hear ya there. When I first started having problems. Doctors told me there was nothing wrong with my back. I even had one doctor decide it was my gailbladder. So he removed it. Come to find out there was nothing wrong with it, the whole time it was my back. Its unreal that he would guess, and to find people in a hospital that treated my condition the way they did.

Re: Double Incontinence

PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:37 am
by diaperdmark39
i had a minor car accident in 2009 but it damage a few nurves in my back so im losing total control of my bladder and bowels and well have to wear diapers the rest of my life 24/7 but i still live my life the way i have always have and i dont have to change it just because i have to wear diapers

Re: Double Incontinence

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:45 am
by nackawic
I started experiencing loss of bowel control sometime around June of 2012, and now have fecal incontinence episodes almost every day. I am fortunate, however, as my body has developed its own routine/schedule with respect to bowel movements; and if/when it happens, it's always occurs before noon (on the advice of my doctor, I have been keeping a log of all episodes & have seen that the pattern is clearly established).

While I do find it quite emasculating (more so than being bladder incontinent), I am thankful that 90% of the time it happens while I'm at home. As well, whenever I leave the house, I always have extra diapers and wipes on me anyway, so I am always well prepared for whatever may happen. I'm also grateful that my wife hasn't had to deal with it much. We have opposite schedules Mon-Fri (weekends we're on the same schedule), so she hasn't experienced any foul odours ...yet.

How I deal/cope with my fecal incontinence:
1. I recently (discovered and) started taking DEVROM tablets, in an effort to alleviate/eliminate odour that results from loss of stool. So far, the results are mixed (it seems more effective with gas than actual stool, but time will tell).
2. A good barrier cream helps, too. I use SudoCrem with excellent results (I've actually only had a diaper rash 3x in my entire life! So either I have strong skin, exceptional hygiene...or perhaps both?). Combined with talcum powder before/after every change, I always have a strong barrier between bum and scum.
3. I Change immediately, or as soon as possible! Being in a wet diaper for (x) hours is one thing, but being in a soiled diaper longer than is necessary to reach a place to change is not good at all!

(has anyone noticed the amount of trolls on this forum? Wow :roll: )


PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 1:27 pm
by RichardJ
Yes I have noticed the trolls.
They come out now and then and try to create havoc.
It's the same with many websites.
I'm also on a diaper website and the trolls are numerous.

Re: Double Incontinence

PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 11:30 am
by amywolfe87
I have urine incontinence and it sucks all the time. I wish I can just get rid of this.