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Urinary Incontinence - Urine Incontinence

Tue May 17, 2011 1:59 pm
by Alyssa
Please post here if you are dealing with Urinary Incontinence.
Re: Urinary Incontinence - Urine Incontinence

Thu Mar 22, 2012 3:20 am
by anz0002
Urine incontinence is a condition of involuntary leakage of urine. Although it is always due to underlying treatable medical condition however the main problem is that people do not report it to the medical practitioners. In most of the urine incontinence it is mainly due to the weakening of the bladder wall as a result the patient is not able to control urine. One of the ways in order to cope up with it is the use of adult pads. One of the common medical advices for the people suffering from this disease is to increase the intake of the fibrous food as it helps a lot in coping up with this problem.
Re: Urinary Incontinence - Urine Incontinence

Thu Mar 22, 2012 1:49 pm
by David
I think if you read Alyssas question again you will find she's asking what type of incontinence you suffer from,we are all aware of what urinary incontinence is,the question was asked so that you could talk about your condition and experiences along the way so that this forum might develop more.