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Bedwetting - Bed Wetters - Night Time Incontinence

Tue May 17, 2011 1:56 pm
by Alyssa
Please share your experiences on how you and your child have tackled this diffcult problem. When did the bedwetting start and how did you deal with it, both physically and emotionally? My brother's started when he was about 7 and continued until he was almost 13. It made sleep-overs a stressful occurrence. My brother however was lucky in that if he didn't drink several hours before bed he was generally dry all night. He would also set his watch to wake him up on sleep-overs so he would wake up and go just in case. Of course they make all sort of devices now to help.
Re: Bedwetting - Bed Wetters - Night Time Incontinence

Thu May 19, 2011 12:11 pm
by rick1066
I wet my bed as a child, I think due to the stresses of school, and emotional issues. I remember being put back in nappies, and this being a very embarrassing event, although my mom was good at keeping it fairly secret, I think. I found that this helped the issues at school and managed reasonably well. Not sure what else to say, but if anyone wants to knwo about it I'd be Ok with saying more.
Re: Bedwetting - Bed Wetters - Night Time Incontinence

Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:25 am
by anz0002
I remember when my brother was young he had this problem. But with time it get corrected itself.
Re: Bedwetting - Bed Wetters - Night Time Incontinence

Wed Mar 28, 2012 1:48 pm
by Alyssa
This might be useful information for parents with young children who are dealing with bedwetting:
In a recent study released in February, 2012 the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center found that laxative therapy cured 83 percent of the children of bedwetting within three months. Dr. Steve Hodges says having too much stool in the rectum reduces bladder capacity. To read the entire article please visit this link at
Re: Bedwetting - Bed Wetters - Night Time Incontinence

Thu Mar 29, 2012 3:53 pm
by ron
Hi all I'am older than most of you but still a bedwetter due to medical problems.The dr. gave me a med and it helps but is not a cure.The best thing for me to treat the problem is a diaper,this keeps my wife and our bed dry.
Re: Bedwetting - Bed Wetters - Night Time Incontinence

Mon Apr 02, 2012 5:46 pm
by David
I don't agree with giving laxitives to children I think that if they have a healthy diet with some fruit too they will naturally have proper bowel movements.
Re: Bedwetting - Bed Wetters - Night Time Incontinence

Tue Apr 03, 2012 12:52 pm
by Alyssa
I understand your point of view David. However, so many children today don't have proper nutrition. Trust me I know. I can't believe how a lot of my children's friends eat. I had a kid a few weeks ago tell me, don't you have anything to eat that's not organic or fruit here. Healthy eating habits are established at a young age and children will mirror what their parents are doing. I blame some on the restaurant industry. Most kids menu's are chicken nuggets and pizza. You would be surpised at how many kids that don't get entire food groups in their diets on a weekly basis.
And on the flip side, some kids just refuse to eat certain food groups. My nephew had problems with bowel movements to the point he was in physical pain. His mom was hiding vegetables in home made baked goods trying to get more fruit and vegetables in his diet. Eventually, he started to find vegetables and fruit he could tolerate. However, in the meantime they had to use laxatives. It's quite the complicated topic. My heart goes out to any parents dealing with this situation.
Re: Bedwetting - Bed Wetters - Night Time Incontinence

Tue Apr 03, 2012 3:32 pm
by David
Again on the subject of adverts children are very influnced by them and with obiesity in children becoming a big problem in the developed world the T.V adverts can be our biggest enemy fast food like Mc Donalds become treats much too often school lunch boxes contain chrisps biscuits and chocolate bars and the age of electronic games mean kids are not getting exercise and your right parents need to change childrens diets from an early age because it will not only be incontinence this generation of kids suffer from but dental heart and blood pressure problems too.
Re: Bedwetting - Bed Wetters - Night Time Incontinence

Thu Apr 05, 2012 2:13 pm
by Alyssa
I also blame false advertising. If you don't read labels carefully these days you may think your getting tons of fiber or something is non-hydrogenated or is low sugar. You have to read ALL the ingredients, especially the first three. If the first three ingredients say corn syrup, high frutcose corn syrup, white flour and corn there's probably not much nutritional value. I won't throw out products names but a lot of the manufacturers that make products, especially for babies, toddlers and young children is total crap. It's a shame because just when these little bodies and minds need the most nutrition we are feeding them foods that are bad for their hearts, minds and ultimately horrible on their little digestive sytems. And just when you think you are doing something good you find out that a company has changed something. Like when organic brown rice syrup was found to contain 10 times the normal recommended amounts of arsenic a few weeks back. It's not easy.
Re: Bedwetting - Bed Wetters - Night Time Incontinence

Thu Apr 05, 2012 4:27 pm
by David
Your right and people are bombarded with nutritional information on what's good and bad for us the reality of it is that we live such a fast world and we don't have enough time while we race around the supermarket to look at products properly them were the days when we grew our own vegetables in the back garden and we eat too much frozen products and we don't drink enough water.