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Re: Bedwetting - Bed Wetters - Night Time Incontinence

Mon Apr 09, 2012 12:29 pm
by Alyssa
And even water is hard now. Your supposed to drink from the BPA free bottles, don't drink out of plastic bottles like Aquafina. You have all these commercials telling you to drink juice and gatorade, when water is still the best. Nutrition is a passion for me so I stay pretty informed and I am lucky that I have the time to do so. I feel so bad for the parents that don't have the time to stay informed. And our FDA, they should really be enforcing proper labeling of food so that it can be easy for people shopping, the FDA is a joke. I saw a new stat last week that 60% of Americans are overweight or obese. So I anticipate like diabetes to see incontinence continue to increase amoung younger children and all age groups.
Re: Bedwetting - Bed Wetters - Night Time Incontinence

Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:34 pm
by David
Parents everywhere are going to have to take the bull by the horns and change not only what they feed children but the portions too, too much of anything will do them harm the same applies to us adults as well we should cut down the quantity we eat drink more water and get more exercise it's a lifestyle change and may take a generation or two to change.
Re: Bedwetting - Bed Wetters - Night Time Incontinence

Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:16 pm
by Alyssa
Definitely a lifestyle change. It's amazing if you walk down the typical American street, you don't really see too many kids playing outside anymore, riding bikes and skateboards. When I was a kid in the summers especially, I would play outside the majority of the day and my mom would always say that I had to be home when the lights came on.
It's even hard to get my kids outside sometimes with the distraction of t.v., video games both on the t.v. and handheld devices, their computers and itouches, whew! And when the kids have playdates the first thing they always want to do is play on the computer or video games. I have to set a timer every day, my kids are only allowed 1 hour a day of any rich media, but it's a pain to enforce and I often wish we had never purchased those darn video games consoles or itouches.
Re: Bedwetting - Bed Wetters - Night Time Incontinence

Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:31 am
by David
This generation of kids are loosing the art of face to face conversation and also thier spellings are suffering because of the short cut spelling they use when texting this type of spelling becomes normal likewise people disappear into another world when on a bus when the i pod is put on.
Re: Bedwetting - Bed Wetters - Night Time Incontinence

Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:57 pm
by Alyssa
My Dad said that when the T.V. came out everyone was worried about people losing face to face interaction and social skills as well. I don't know that it's so much the devices but the lack of supervision and restrictions with all these new devices. Like we don't allow our kids to use any devices at the dinner table or at any restaurants or when we have company over. We limit their time to 1 hour a day of any rich media, so T.V., video games, anything. But it's so hard when other people let their kids play while eating, in the car driving, at church, etc, etc.
Our kids won't be allowed a phone or texting until their 13 and hopefully by that age they will already have developed good spelling skills. However, our principal at our school says 2/3 of all the kids have and bring cell phones to school and some of those are kindergartners. She also says that it's parents that break the rules about letting their kids have the phones in the classrooms as oppposed to following protocol and dropping them off at the office.
That said, we know so many families right now that are working three and four jobs between the two parents and they are exhausted and in pure survival mode. And so many families these days have moved away from their hometowns to pursue better jobs and careers that often families are left with no support network at all. I feel blessed every day that I am able to only work part time and that my parents are able to help when needed. The combination of the effects of our global economy and everyone moving away from their hometowns mixed with state of our national economy requiring so many families to work extra jobs and hours is not a good thing for our children.
Re: Bedwetting - Bed Wetters - Night Time Incontinence

Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:30 pm
by lancer
The strangest thing about my condition is that I have been an all organic food person for years. When my condition came up I had already been on only organic food etc for a few years. Many diapers I have tried have still leaked at night. I have even wet the bed while wearing an expensive abana and attend overnight!
Re: Bedwetting - Bed Wetters - Night Time Incontinence

Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:38 pm
by lancer
I have not watched cable tv since I was a teenager because I came to know that it is destroying culture and brainwashing us all. My children never watch tv only movies that we as parents have given and ok to. I value tradition and faith.
Re: Bedwetting - Bed Wetters - Night Time Incontinence

Tue Aug 28, 2012 6:47 am
by Alyssa
I was wondering Lancer what type of diet you had. All organic is definitely better for you. Do you eat yogurt or take any probiotics. Was there any change that you made when everything started to go wrong? Have you tried a homeopathic doctor? They treat the whole body in a more holistic approach. Or maybe a nutritionist. My cousin has been going through a somewhat similar situation for the past two years.
Re: Bedwetting - Bed Wetters - Night Time Incontinence

Tue Aug 28, 2012 9:00 pm
by lancer
I can't think of anything that made this happen. I use to be a supplement sales person and nobody can help to this point.
Re: Bedwetting - Bed Wetters - Night Time Incontinence

Wed Aug 29, 2012 7:20 am
by Alyssa
I am sorry to hear that. Don't give up hope!